A tale of Ponary "Ponary's sweat"

Ponary is a kid from Isoton, a harmonious village in Fatigue Valley. He is like an ordinary kid; playing kite, swimming in the river and playing football. Ponary do not only like playing but he also like helping his parents for collecting firewood. Unfortunately, Ponary had been getting lost for 3 days. He was so starving and did not find anything to eat. While he was looking for something to eat, he found a strange rock which is blue and carried it. He stumbled, and the blue rock accidentally threw in to ponary’s mouth and swallowed. After ate that stone, ponary sweat every time. He was really confused and did not know what should he do. Before dusk, his father found him and took him home. Ponary really wondered about his sweaty body.
After came back home, Ponary kept being an ordinary kid. One thing which has changed, was the clothes, Ponary wore wool jersey everywhere. He wore the wool jersey to absorb his excessive sweat. At time when Ponary finished playing football, Ponary twisted his wool jersey to a mangoes tree. Next day, the mangoes tree which had been watered by Ponary’s sweat, born so many mangoes. What a miracle! Ponary’s sweat became a fertilizer for the villagers in Isoton. Ponary’s parents twisted ponary’s jersey, collected Ponary’s sweat in bottles, and gave them to villagers for free.   Ponary’s sweat was really worked and made rice field of villagers fertile. The harvest was also excellent. Unfortunately, because of his grandeur, he admitted he was a god. He became arrogant. At a night when Ponary was sleeping, he was cursed. His sweat was not worked anymore. His  sweat became stink and irritating.
As the result, villagers kicked ponary out from Isoton because of his bad smell and his arrogance. Ponary had to live in the forest. Nobody knows whether ponary still alive or not. Nobody knows whether ponary want to revenge or not. This time, Isoton keep being a village with excellent rice. It’s not because of ponary’s sweat actually, but it’s because of god’s mercy and mediated by Ponary’s sweat. Ponary shouldn’t have been arrogant.
Category: 6 komentar

6 komentar:

Adriani Triharry rosemerry mengatakan...

maav bang, ga sempet baca, besok aja pas kamu tampil aku liat :p

PIPO mengatakan...

what a great story.....
keep nuliss ndree.... :))

ノフィア レスティ ジュナイディ mengatakan...

gokil abiss kon....
i'll be waiting for the next story

gambatte tomodachi

Resti Ningsih mengatakan...

a very strange movie...

Unknown mengatakan...

is it movie or what..???

Koncom mengatakan...

It's my narrative essay

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